Artist, when the muse is ready to kiss me,
photographer when there is something to capture and
designer when there is a problem to solve.
Ahoy hoy! I’m Svenja and I like abstract art, clean design and self-deprecating jokes. I’m well organised, honest and always curious. I’m motivated by the many possibilities the world holds in store, new technical achievements and the small chance of making the world a little more colourful or better. I often look for meaning in things and “just do something” – I also like to contradict myself sometimes. At first reservedly observant, later easy-going, but always emphatic and considerate. Reading between the lines and losing myself completely in something, staring holes in the air or implementing one idea after another – that’s me. Ideally, I’d be in a small team where I can work independently, live out my creativity and where we can exchange ideas over a cup of coffee.

Currently I’m studying communication design at Bielefeld University. From art and cultural history to drawing courses to typography and working with different programmes, there is a lot of knowledge to absorb. I’ve also been working at u+i interact in the areas of print, digital media and UI design since my mandatory internship. While I do my best during my studies, I manage to work on personal projects in front of and behind the camera as well as in the areas of design and web, and also let off steam creatively in my free time.